*** FHR Mountain Horses***
(klik op de vlag voor Nederlands)
(ENGLISH LANGUAGE pages can be navigated by clicking on the words underlined in blue below:)
our new website is online,
We are located in a small vilage in Heesch in Holland, we raise high-quality Rocky Mountain Horse foals from our stallion and mares each year. We love to show our farm and our horses to other people, and we enjoy sharing our knowledge of Rocky Mountain Horses.
Our farm stallion is the renowned "Lightfoot In The Wind", a black son of Sewell's Sam. He is exceptional in gait and disposition, and his conformation and gorgeous, sculptured head are stamped on every foal he produces. Lightfoot is available for stud service to approved mares. We follow rules of Responsible Breeding of the Rocky Mountain Horse.
Our mares are our pride and joy, and we are proud to introduce them to you on our "Mares" page of this site. Our foals reflect the fine quality of their dams. When one of them becomes available for sale, we post the news on our "For Sale" page.
We try to provide an environment for all our horses, including our stallion and our foals, that is as close to natural as possible. This includes twenty-four-hour access from stalls to large pastures and wooded areas in a "herd" setting. All horses are kept barefoot with natural trimmings.
Clinic with Gaited Horsemanship Larry Whitesell,
Location flat Hill Rockies, from June 7-9 2013 More info for this clinic will follow soon, you can have a preview by taking a look on Larry`s website, http://whitesellgaitedhorsemanship.com/
Training your gaited Horse* Jan Also offers you on 15, 16 or 17 may the opportunity to follow private lessons at our location
Examiner clinic in Europe!
** The Rocky Mountain Horse Association togetther with Flat Hill Rockies, organize 2 Examiner clinic`s.
The clinics are on May the 11th and 18th 2012.
Attending the clinics is only for members of the RMHA and de ERMHC for more than a year.
Location: Heesch NB, the Netherlands.
For more information or to subcribe you can mail us at, info@flathillrockys.com.
Our 2011 foals are born!
Lightfoot In The Wind x Remingtons Mountain Rose, a filly collor black
Lightfoot In The Wind x Hannah Jubal`s T-Roe, a colt collor chesnut
Lightfoot In The Wind x Cappucino`s Silverbelle, a colt collor chocolate(roan)
- We are excited to launch this new website for our farm. Although it is a work in progress, most of the pertinent information has been completed in Dutch and English. The menu bar on top of this page is mainly in our native language of Dutch, however, other English pages can be navigated via the words underlined in blue on this page. .......
Do you know? .....Rocky Mountain Horses are slow to mature and do not reach their full size and weight until about five to six years of age. Generally healthy horses, they often live long lives but do have a tendency to be extremely "easy keepers". Care must be taken to keep your Rockies from becoming too overweight, particularly in their later years.
LIGHTFOOT IN THE WIND (pictured above)

Pictured to the right is Rose and her 2010 foal, Foxy >>>
"We are always happy to talk to people interested in the Rocky Mountain Horse breed. Visits to our farm can be arranged by appointment."
Flat Hill RockiesZjoske en Petra
The Netherlands(Holland)
tel: 0031 629288192